“At Jump, we pride ourselves on providing the very best in health and hygiene standards. By incorporating the use of the GERM/I Sabre UV-C sterilising unit to our cleaning protocols we have added an extra, chemical-free layer of protection against the exposure to germs and bacteria in our service. We are always looking for ways to go the extra mile for our children and families. GERMii has enabled us to do this..”

Jump Carey
Western Australia

Australia's first Early Learning Centre deploying Australian-made, award-winning technology to improve the health and wellbeing of children and staff Utilising the power of the sun, not chemicals.

UVC - Chambers

Staff are now able to sterilise items and surfaces that couldn't previously be done, including

  • Plush toys, books, games, electronics, fabrics, pillows and blankets
  • The team are able to do this now in seconds using light, rather than harsh chemicals and antivirals
  • This saves significant amounts of time and money
  • Many of these items are virtually impossible to be able to treat before now


  • At Jump, your children and staff are now exposed to far fewer chemicals thanks to GERMii
  • We know that chemicals and antivirals can have adverse effects on people, such as increasing a child's risk of developing respiratory issues, such as asthma
  • We also recognised that many surfaces such as fabric, paper and electronics couldn't or shouldn't be treated with chemicals
  • Staff are now also able to sterilise surfaces faster, meaning we have more time to spend with children
  • Risk of infection is now significantly lowered, with more surfaces able to be treated
  • This has wonderful benefits against everyday challenges such as gastro, influenza and hand and foot
  • The result is healthier children and staff going home to parents, grandparents and friends

UV-C Handhelds

UV-C Chambers


Staff are now able to sterilise items and surfaces that couldn't previously be done, including

  • Plush toys, books, games, electronics, fabrics, pillows and blankets
  • The team are able to do this now in seconds using light, rather than harsh chemicals and antivirals
  • This saves significant amounts of time and money
  • Many of these items are virtually impossible to be able to treat before now

Our latest GERMii tool in the fight against pathogens and bacteria at the centre, is the GERMii UV-C auto­clave chamber. These chambers are currently in use today with Royal Flying Doctors West Australia.

Using these light chambers, we can stack almost any item into the chamber, and within 2 minutes, every item is completely sterilised without the use of any chemicals whatsoever.

This includes toys, blankets, books, and electronics.

It allows us to reduce the amount of wash and dry cycles, further reducing the number of detergents, electricity and hours required. In terms of staff time, it's also freeing up our staff to focus on the children under our care.

GERMii is proudly Australian and we design patented light technology that's manufactured right here in Australia

Our products eliminate not only viruses and bacteria prominent in childcare centres, but COVID-19 as well. Chemical-free.

Want to know how Germii UVC & Robotics can help your business?

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