High performance commercial vacuuming robot

Revolutionize your cleaning operations with the Whiz.

Key Features

Smart Vacuuming

This high-tech cleaning solution is designed to tackle even the toughest messes with ease. Equipped with advanced sensors and smart navigation technology.

Obstacle Avoidance

The Whiz effortlessly navigates around furniture, walls, and other obstacles to deliver a thorough clean every time.

Easy Setup

Whiz is incredibly easy to setup and use even for complex vacuuming tasks making it the ideal solution for having a clean and tidy space.

With Whiz, you can experience upto:

Experience the power of the Whiz Commercial Vacuuming Robot today and take your cleaning routine to the next level.


Reduction in time, for vacuuming tasks


Decrease in annual site-cleaning costs


Increase in overall staff productivity
*Disclaimer: Above estimates can differ from site-to-site. If you want accurate estimates of how much you can save annually with Whiz, please contact Germii team.

Get your commercial vacuuming robot
from $6 per hour

Germii brings to you an exclusive 36-month facility management plan, allowing you to leverage the power of floor cleaning robotics to reduce your annual operational expenditure.
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